
56 Game Reviews

5 w/ Responses


but what happened to you!? D: keytar hero 1 ruled. you ruined part too, sorry if i was to mean but the thing where the notes pass was too small and the notes passed to fast!! gave you 4 because you improved some things and because i know you can do better. make a third one or a remake of this one but make that thing bigger and slower :D

Extremely addicting

I suck at it but i just keep trying cause i love it :D although it aint exactly suitable for everyone but i think no one cares...

good but...

you must improve the backgrounds and add a rotating option improve those things and you'll have a nice game

buckykatt123 responds:

i know im still trying to figure out how to add the rotating ption but in flash 8 this is all they give me =(


i love MSI :] nice music the tutorial's pretty helpful those bloof effects were pretty cool but i didn´t like the explosions that much and maybe the first explosion would look good with some blur... nice tutorial now i can draw a real stickman! :D

very, very good but

the controls are very original and very simple, the game is addicting but the grafics aren't that good and it's kindda repetitive 4/5 man. but you cant count my vote for that goldenjoystick stuff the game's very good and original :)

very cool

it is very good but needs some zombie hands haha just kidding maybe you should add a fire sprite and more styles of blood. im giving you a 9 sorry D: but needs some more stuff man

best sinipng game

This game is almost perfect and the cutscenes are very interesting I don't know why pepople hates 'em, maybe they haven´t learn to read yet...
If all the citizens were different the game would be way to easy and not that fun but as it is now its very challenging so if you wanna pay a boring, easy and stupid game then you're on the wrong page.
sorry if I made any grammatical mistake I'm not exactly english

holy shit O___O

Dude this game is AWESOME one of the best (if not the best) game in newgrounds awesome job!! the only think that I don't like is when you are goig to atack an enemy and one of your team kills him you lose your turn but it doesn'y matter ITS AWESOME :D

Just another student with nothing to do.

Age 28, Male


Colegio Anahuac

B.C.S, Mexico

Joined on 6/7/08

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